Monday, August 1, 2011

I'M BACK in the saddle again... d(-_-)b

Yup. School is over. Way over. It is the first day of August, the first day of the end of my summer break, and the first day of worry and anxiety until I graduate from high school. To say the least, I am scared. Scared of the three AP classes. Scared of being around the classmates who have frustrated me for nine years. Scared of the impending college applications and possible failure. And yet, the thing I am most frightened of is not being able to read the books I love and reporting to this blog. Just look at the last time I wrote a post! It's shameful. I like writing about books. I will write about books -- as much as I possibly can during the thirty-one days I have left. To make it easier, and more interesting, I will write about other bits of entertainment. Similar to what I had already proposed many, many months ago.

I despise myself.

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